Badminton Denmark make U-turn, reinstate players over “cookies war”

Henrik Parkhoi (center) takes the initiative to resolve the "cookies war" in Danish badminton. Mathias Boe is sitting on the left while the Chairman of Denmark Badminton - Rene Toft is sitting on the right.

Copenhagen: Denmark’s top men’s doubles pair of Mathias Boe and Carsten Mogensen, women’s doubles pairing of Kamilla Rytter Juhl and Christinna Pedersen, as well as Pedersen’s mixed doubles partner, Joachim Fischer-Nielsen were dismissed from the country’s national team last month due to sponsorship conflict.Henrik Parkhoi (center) takes the initiative to resolve the "cookies war" in Danish badminton. Mathias Boe is sitting on the left while the Chairman of Denmark Badminton - Rene Toft is sitting on the right.

The conflict or so-called ‘cookies war’, erupted in early February in which the five players above all have personal sponsorships with Danish cookie maker Kjeldsen, but the country’s badminton federation have signed a sponsorship deal with the a rival biscuit manufacturer called Danisa. When those 5 players refused to wear jersey with Danisa logo in Sudirman Cup, they were ultimately thrown out of the Danish national team.


For months, the organization have been relying on Henrik Parkhøi – director of an investment firm, to act as an initiator and mediator to facilitate dialogues between the two sides.

Although not much details have been released, in a press-conference held last week, Henrik Parkhøi told reporters that the negotiation between the two sides have led to positive outcomes. Those five players were reinstated to the Denmark national team, ending months of “cookies” chaos, and those players will also be selected for the 2015 Jakarta World Championships from Aug 10-16.


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